Category: Ergonomics

How the Occlusal Plane is Causing Pain in Dentists

dental patient headrest positioning

The occlusal plane, the imaginary plane that is formed by the occlusal surfaces of a person’s teeth when they close their jaw, is well known to anyone who has studied dentistry. But did you know that its importance extends beyond dental treatment? It helps with more than giving a patient a straight, pleasant smile. It can also help prevent musculoskeletal […]

How to Position and Treat Dental Patients with Disabilities

diversity and inclusion

Treating patients with physical and development disabilities is a challenge for any dental practice. Every dental patient is different, this is especially true for patients with special needs. Some will have physical limitations that prevent them from being positioned in certain ways, which can make treating them difficult and uncomfortable. Other patients will have development […]

The Causes of Poor Posture and Pain in Dental Operators

human anatomy

Dental operators have long battled the problem of musculoskeletal pain, which is usually caused by maintaining poor posture during treatment. Because of the volume of patients dental operators treat, and the duration of the procedures, pain and discomfort are inevitable. But what causes operators to maintain poor posture, and can it be avoided? The Effects […]



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Proven Methods for Reducing Musculoskeletal Pain in Dental Operators