Category: Crescent Products
Memory Foam Headrests Are a Win-Win for Dentists and Patients

Dental work requires precision, but dentists must also balance this work with patient comfort. The question becomes, how can dentists keep patients still and comfortable enough to work with precision for long periods of time. This is the single most important reason why dental headrests have revolutionized patient care and practitioner well-being. These innovative memory […]
4 Ways Dental Headrest Pillows Help Dentists

A relaxed patient makes a dentist’s work quicker, easier, and less of a strain on both the patient and dentist. That’s the power of a dental headrest pillow. These dental chair accessories are an essential part of any dentist’s office because they support the patient’s head and neck during dental procedures, allowing dentists and hygienists […]
These Dental Chair Accessories Can Help Easily Treat Children

Pediatric dentists know well how hard it can be to treat children, especially if they have to undergo longer procedures than a normal cleaning. Dental anxiety is a real concern for many patients, and it can be worse in children. They can often be uncooperative and restless during treatment, which causes them to move about […]
The Best Type of Foam that Provides Support for Dental Patients

Foam and medical cushioning are a match made in heaven. That’s because the right type of foam makes the ideal supportive and comfortable surface for dental treatment. However, not all dental cushions are created equal. While modern dental chairs have the minimum amount of cushioning required to make a patient not feel uncomfortable, they do little to enhance the […]
Why is Vinyl a Good Material for Dental Chair Accessories?

Every Crescent Products dental headrest, chair pad, and all our other products are covered in vinyl. It’s a common material, but what makes it the best covering for dental chair accessories? There are several reasons why we chose this material to manufacture our products and why so many dentists love having them in their treatment areas. They Have […]
How Dental Chair Accessories Make Treatment Rooms Easier to Clean

Cleaning dental treatment areas is an important part of running a dental clinic, but time spent cleaning is time not spent with patients. And as many dentists know, seeing more patients leads to more revenue. While you can reduce the time spent with each patient to squeeze more visits in each day, it’s better to streamline the cleaning and sanitation processes in […]
The Danger of Ignoring Dental Patient Complaints

One thing every dentist will do well to remember is that dental patients are customers. As such, they have certain needs that extend beyond the treatment you provide to them. As customers, patients want to be treated to positive experiences, and they want to feel like any complaints or issues they have are being addressed. Most times, these […]
Dental Operators Show Their Love for Crescent Products

Over the years, we have built up a large follow of people who have shown a lot of love for our dental chair accessories, particularly our line of Dental Headrests and Bodyrest Systems. Recently, one of our customers, Donna Avakoff, RDH, elaborated on why she loves Crescent Products in an issue of RDH Magazine. What […]
Dental Practice Spotlight: Dr. Del Mastro

At Crescent Products, we provide dental headrests and chair accessories that benefit both practitioners and their patients. Our customers love our products, and we appreciate the support and kind words they give us in return. Today we are shining a spotlight on a great endodontist located right here in our home state of Minnesota: Dr. […]